To determine the total value of your current savings, add up your bank accounts, investments, and other liquid funds. Do not include pension plans and home equity.
If you currently have a savings plan in place, it’s important to know how much money you are on track to accumulate. As the saying goes, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. Regardless of whether you’re saving for a long-term goal such as retirement or for a short-term goal such as a family vacation, it’s important to have a dollar figure in mind. This calculator is designed to help you estimate the future value of your current savings.
Estimate the return on investments based on the time frame and the investment vehicles used for a particular savings goal. Remember to adjust for taxes.
Will you accumulate enough savings to reach your goals? You may need to reexamine
your savings plan and make some adjustments. You can change some of the variables
to see how much savings you would accumulate under different scenarios.
Your Results
Total value of current savings:
Anticipated additional savings each year:
Total savings accumulated at end of period:
This chart shows the estimated savings accumulation using the after-tax rate of return you selected. Are you satisfied with the savings accumulation illustrated on the graph? If not, you may want to consider increasing the amount you save or decide whether you can afford to invest your savings more aggressively. If you want to accumulate more but aren’t sure how, we can help you develop a savings program that could help you bring your goals within reach.
Estimated Year by Year Savings Accumulation